3 Tips for Getting Great Grades in College

College is a challenging but fun time of your life; often it’s the first tme living away from home and making your own way in the world. There’s a lot of distractions going on while you’re away at college, including many fun social activities. If you’re like me, then you may struggle a little bit to say focused on your grades when there’s so many people to meet and fun things to do. However, the main point of going to college is to walk out with a degree in your hand and a number of job opportunities at your feet. As such, you’re going to have to focus on how you can get grade grades. Here are my top 5 tips for getting great grades in college, even with a bustling social life:

1. Make Up for Lost Time
If you’re sick (or hung over) you’re going to need to catch up on the missed classes. Missing classes is not ideal, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. It’s a good idea to make friends with classmates, not just to be social, but incase you’re unable to attend you can nicely ask them to borrow their notes. Just be prepared to return the favor should they need it. If you can’t find anyone to share their notes with you, it’s a smart idea to email the lecturer directly – they may be able to help, even if just by sending through the slides through for your missed classes.

2. Use Technology to Help You
Whether you’re trying to learn history online or struggling through a boring mathematics book, using technology, like a free apple learning app, will help you study more efficiently. If you’re trying to learn a language, you can use something like DuoLingo to help you learn new vocabulary. You can use your phone to take voice recordings and listen to them on the way to college either when you’re walking, or driving. Want to see more options for using technology to your advantage? Check out google play college study app.

3. Get a Study Buddy
There’s nothing quite like a study buddy to keep you accountable. Set up regular study meet ups – whether it’s in your college library or at your houses, and stick to your schedule. I find it more helpful to be study buddies with people in the same courses as me, that way if I have specific questions I can ask them and get a second opinion. I am a little competitive, so if someone is studying hard and I’m tempted to waste my time, I can’t because I want to keep up. It’s much better for me than trying to study alone.

Use these three simple tips in order to get better grades and make the most of your college years- they go fast!

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