
Make These Changes Now For A Healthier Lifestyle

We all want to be as healthy as possible, and yet there often seems to be plenty that gets in the way of this goal. The truth is that, very often, these blockages are cultural, and are things which we can work through if we want to truly be healthier, happier and live for longer. If you have recently woken up to the truth that you need to start taking better care of yourself, then the good news is that there is plenty you can do, right away, to start getting there. Sometimes it takes a scare of some kind or another to realise how important our health is. At other times, it is just a gradual unfolding. However it has happened for you, here are some essential habit changes to consider if you want to be healthier. Less Screen Use As a culture, we are obsessed by our screens.…

Solving Those Techy Tantrums

It’s a real pain when our tech decides it doesn’t want to work anymore. Often, this sort of situation will occur at the worst possible time. And, it will leave you without a vital tool for your work or entertainment. A lot of people go out and replace their goods at this point. But, there’s more that you can do. Sometimes, when products become faulty, it can have severe consequences. And, you should be entitled to a replacement or more. This post will be going through some of the ways that you can make this situation just a little better. When you buy more electronics, you’ll find that it’s covered by a warranty. As long as you buy it new, from a retailer; you should be covered. Often, you have to make sure that you register the product when you first buy it. Or, you just have to keep the…

Improve Your Chances in a World of Freelancers

Freelancing is a world that seems to be on many people’s lips like never before. Rapid advances in technology over the last few years have put 9 to 5 desk jobs under real threat. People are beginning to question why they shouldn’t head out on their own. The opportunity to be your own boss, work from anywhere in the world and strike a better work-life balance are just three of the reasons people are looking to take the plunge and go freelance. However, if you’re currently in a steady full-time job, it can be an extremely daunting process. If you’re overwhelmed by the idea, here are a few ways to improve your chances in the increasingly competitive world of freelancers. Build Up Your Clients Before you actually strike out on your own, you will probably want to build up some regular clients. Even some who only need your services on…

How technology will change learning

Technology will change everything in our lives, from how we work, to how we live, and especially, how we learn. Here are some ways that technology is already changing how we learn, and how it will revolutionise learning in the future: By 2020, we can expect cloud-based education to be the rule. This will allow student metrics to be aggregated, with visual assessment results and more efficient data sharing. In some areas, we can expect to see both peer-to-peer and school-to-school sharing and collaboration, and we may even see schools functioning as think tanks in an effort to tackle some of the biggest problems facing our planet. Digital learning is already happening, both within schools and with e-learning in companies around the world, such as managed learning services from GP strategies. Flexible assignments will allow for the accommodation of multiple learning styles, which will allow teachers to give students a…

So You Think You’re Anonymous Online?

There are a lot of different thoughts and opinions about online anonymity. Is what we do online really private? Can we be held accountable for our actions on the web? Just how much freedom does the government have to access our private internet activities? All are interesting questions, and the answers might shock you. How Private Are Your Online Interactions? Not at all, we’re afraid. Everything that you do online is kept, stored and can be accessed by individuals with the right clearance. Now, it’s debatable whether government authorities can access what you do on certain websites. But what is clear is that they’ll have a full list of all your searches. That’s why you’ll often find that internet search histories are presented as evidence in court cases. For instance, a recent court case showed that the defendant had been googling murder before he killed two people. It is also…

Catching Your Bandwidth Thief

Whether you’re at work or at home, there are few things that can be as frustrating at a slow internet speed. There are a lot of reasons, like location, DNS, and wireless network that can stop you from getting the full download and upload speeds promised. If the router is getting the kind of connection it should, however, then it might be something else is either blocking or consuming too much of that bandwidth. So, it’s time to take a look at all the usual suspects. Stop streaming while you work It’s all-too-common that the mystery isn’t much of a mystery at all. A lot of people video streaming services like Netflix and Youtube when they’re doing work. It provides background noise and is often used as a helpful tool when you’re doing something else. You might have to get used to filling the void with something else, however.…

How to Deal with Bad Connection

All the technological advances of the digital age have made us depend massively on technology every single day. There’s not a day that goes by when you don’t use you phone, watch your telephone or boot up your laptop, is there? Not one day do you miss when it comes to surfing the web or getting your streaming fix, do you? There’s nothing wrong with this, and this is why it is annoying when your internet doesn’t work the way you expect it to. When you come to depend on something so heavily, it can be extremely annoying when it doesn’t do the job well enough, or even at all. Here are a few hints and tips as to how you can deal with that pesky first world problem that is a bad slow internet connection. When you’re surfing the web at home, whether it be for business or pleasure,…

How Technology & Big Data Has Impacted The Evolution Of Learning?

We’re all continually learning everyday, in fact the ability to learn and grow is one of the things that makes us human. Technology has impacted the way this happens, and has changed the way we’ll learn forever. Not to mention, it’s estimated that by 2029, humans will have developed a computer that will be smarter than all of us put together, and artificial intelligence is going to be one of the biggest disrupters that any of us will ever experience in our lives. Big data is becoming one of the most talked about buzzwords of 2017, and it’s easy to see why. This term describes the collection of large and complex data sets that can’t be analysed, searched, stored, or processed with conventional data base systems, and the uses of big data are shaping our world around us, giving everyone more incredible insights into our everyday lives. Every day,…

Top things to buy this year

Are you wondering where you should put your hard-earned cash in 2017? It can be hard to know which things are worth spending money on, and which aren’t, but we’ve got a list of some of the best purchases to improve your life in a few small ways. Here are the top things to buy this year: Phone case If you’re the type who always finds themselves carrying around a phone that’s in a worn out, grubby case, now’s the time to do something about it. There are now some incredible cases on the market that can save you lots of space and time, and ensure that you never have to take your handbag out with you on a night out again Check out the iPhone 7 plus case and card holder, the iPhone 7 wallet case, or the iPhone card holder for some excellent options, and you’ll soon have…

Are you a business owner or entrepreneur? Here’s why you should own a motorcycle

If you own a business and you’ve been thinking about purchasing a motorcycle, you may be surprised to learn that the two of these things actually go hand-in-hand. In fact, the techniques and skills necessary to successfully ride a motorcycle can also be directly transferred to your daily business life. Not convinced? Here’s how: A business is a marathon, not a sprint The first thing you’ll learn as a biker, is how to get from point A to point B, both safely and successfully. Motorcycle riders need to find the right destination, decide on the right route, and then prepare for the unexpected. In fact, bikers are excellent at overcoming adversity along the way, like terrible weather (or the economy), horrible road conditions (fluctuations in the market), and bad car drivers (competitors). Both riding a motorcycle and business are designed for you to get where you need to go: one…
