Is marketing a company or a product much harder now than ever before? Some would argue the case, but others would say that it is much easier to find a marketing style that suits your needs. With some platforms, tools, and tech to make your business more efficient than ever before, then surely it stands to reason that using the same tools and methods to improve a business from the interior will also work for the exterior, such as the brand and image. The best place to begin is by reviewing your marketing strategy. If you work in a small capacity, the marketing strategy is very easily overlooked or is considered to be a case of making some posters, quite the contrary. Breaking down a marketing strategy, you will see that there are fundamental cogs to keeping it spinning:
- The resources.
- Increasing visibility.
- Appearing on the right platforms.
- Making the product.
- Being up to date with trends, whether it is in the market or in the technology sector.
If you make a marketing plan utilizing these five aspects, your plan will be more complete, and you are less likely to miss something out.
As a marketing plan or strategy is viewed as akin to a manifesto in big businesses, making sure that the plan is as comprehensive as it can possibly be should be a major priority. The point about appearing on the right platforms is a big debate, do you decide to wage an all-out assault on every single social media platform and possibly spread yourself a little too thin? Or do you focus on a handful and gear your efforts accordingly? You could cover all bases, and with the market on each platform, make minimal returns but your effort is so much more than just focusing on a few platforms. Social media is a big indicator of your following as a brand, and there are ways to infiltrate social media to get a wider coverage of your product, such as Instagram influencer marketing. As there are so many users of Instagram (400 million per month), aligning yourself with the users that have a major following themselves is a very popular way to get your product out there. And this doesn’t just apply to social media, it links back to the “it’s not what you know, it’s who you know” idea. And while getting on social media platforms is one of the most important ways to get seen, there are other ways that are just as important:
“There’s An App For That”
As we use apps for pretty much everything now, it has made accessing the internet and information almost faster than immediate! Apps are clever and become more sophisticated the better our technology gets. We can scan food items, play games and learn languages, all from this small bit of equipment that we carry in our pockets every day. Statistically, the average person spends two hours per day looking at their phones, so creating an app that is exciting and unique is a very sensible way to capture the zeitgeist. The followings that Flappy Bird or Pokemon Go created was something that was very unlikely to be predicted. So what can we learn from apps? That games are the way forward? Possibly, but if you are looking to promote a business or a brand, your app will need to go one step further than interactive marketing, or being merely just a vacuous and forgettable trend. What is your company doing to keep its customers? Apps are a perfect communication tool, and they are a gateway to a wealth of education and entertainment. So, making something that instills a need to return to it on a regular basis is the crux of a great app.
It’s Generation P: For Podcast
WTF With Marc Maron, This American Life, Bulletproof Radio, the list goes on. Podcasting covers a multitude of styles, and it is the most lucrative method when you are starting from nothing. You can sponsor a podcast that has millions of listeners, and that is a great method to getting your business as far as it can go, or you can start your own podcast which links into your business. Podcasting is not just a platform for inane chatter, it is a great marketing tool, whichever angle you view it from. Getting a podcast onto your phone to listen to on a daily commute is such a common practice that you will barely see anyone on your train actually converse with each other, so use this to your advantage.
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