Life can be expensive, especially when you factor in all the costs of running a home. I’m trying to save as much as possible in order to be able to finally buy my first home and eventually move away from the rental world. It’s a big purchase so it requires a lot of savings. This year I’ve been really focused on ways that I can easily save money at home to cut costs down and to boost my savings. Here are my top 3 tips for saving money at home.
1. Cutting Down on Electricity Expenses
Depending on where you live, this might be one of your biggest expenses, so any way that you can reduce the total electricity bill will make a dramatic difference to your overall monthly expenses. Your electricity bill will depend on what kind of appliances you have in your home. For example, if you have a heated pool then you will find that your electricity costs will be so much more expensive than someone who doesn’t have one. Investing in a Solar powered pool heater can be a great way to cut down your monthly expenses while still getting to enjoy your pool whenever you want, no matter how the weather is outside. You can also take a look at heat pump glossary to give you an idea on what to get.
2. Watch Your Food Bill
I find that one of my most costly expenses is always how much money I spend on food. There’s basically two categories, the food I buy for preparing at home, and eating out. I’ve noticed that the more organised I am with buying food for the house and cooking delicious meals, the less I’m tempted to spend money outside the home which is a great way to save money as eating out can be really expensive. Another issue that you might be experiencing in your home, is food waste. Each week I throw out a considerable amount of food due to poor planning or not getting around to eating it fast enough. To help reduce the food waste and the amount of money I’m wasting on food, I tend to stick to meal plans in order to only buy what I’m going to use.
3. Grow Your Own Food
A great way to reduce your food bill is to start growing your own food. This might be more challenging if you’re living in an apartment or don’t have much garden space, but it certainly isn’t impossible! You can start by growing herbs or some vegetables in small pots either on your balcony, along window sills or in your garden. This is a great way to dabble without gardening without investing too much time and money. Once you see how easy and rewarding it is to grow your own food, I’m sure you’ll get hooked. Another benefit about growing your own food is that you know exactly what chemicals were used in the process, making the food more likely to be organic compared to things you buy in the supermarket. If you’re interested in something different, you can even consider a cannabis growing system.
Life can be expensive, and I find one thing that can mess up your budget is unexpected expenses. Help minimise the risk of this during the upcoming winter by investing in
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