Part-time business is a very good idea to supplement your income and to feel secure before venturing into a full-time business. Remember, all businesses that are run from home need not necessarily be easy to handle, along with a full-time job. Through this article, we aim to help you get an idea of some businesses which can be conveniently run along with your full-time job. These can also be later developed into a full-time business.
1. Tutor
Technology has done away with the necessity of a tutor needing to visit the student’s home or the student needing to visit a tutor’s home. Though some would still prefer face to face mentoring, technology now has made it possible through video conferencing to tutor using the internet. This method saves you time and money and allows for more flexibility than the methods followed traditionally. You can reach more people across different time zones.
What you choose to tutor in will depend on your specialty. You can teach English Language, computer skills, any academic subjects to students from elementary levels to college-going students. You can also prepare students to give their SAT entrance tests if that is your area of specialty.
The business can really expand by hiring more tutors and introducing various online courses.

2. Photographer
If photography is your hobby, then convert it into a home business and get paid for it. You can start a small portrait studio from your house specializing in family pictures, graduation ceremonies and pictures of pets. Another very good option is to venture into the field of wedding and events photography. Wedding photography has the advantage that you can work on weekends as such events take place mostly on Saturdays and Sundays. The rest of the time can be utilized in building your portfolio. Photographs can also be sold online through various sites. It is always advisable to take business insurance for your equipment.
3. Baking and Cooking Business
If you are skilled in cooking and baking, then convert it from a hobby into a part-time business. Baking and decorating cakes for special occasions can be a very lucrative business. Along with cakes, you can go for catering small events to selling other baked goods in your area. Do take precautions of making yourself aware of regulations regarding food preparations in your city. Another advantage is that you can make it into a full-time business if some of your personal recipes become very popular by making it into a brand. For this, you can take help from a Small Business Development Center in your area. In case you opt for a commercial kitchen, it is advisable to take business insurance. They may also help you to hire commercial kitchens. In that case, consider taking business insurance too.
4. Mobile Car Wash Services
This business requires very little expenses. All you need is soap, sponges and used towels. You don’t have any water expenses as you will be using water at the client’s house. This service is in high demand, and mostly, people will call you over on weekends to avail this service, as they need their vehicles to look shiny and clean for weekend outings. To expand your business, use all possible marketing tricks, including guerilla marketing. Also, try to build up regular clientele who want cars to be washed every weekend or alternative weekend. For building long term clients, the first car wash can be offered free to make them aware of your awesome services.
The benefit for your client is that they get a fabulous wash and also save a half hour driving to the car wash!
5. Freelance Writing
If you want to become a professional writer and earn money too, then freelance writing is for you. Blogging and writing online is the most flexible way to earn money. It goes without saying that for special content creation, technical writing and copywriting, you will need more experience. You can begin by contacting local businesses that are already in this business to outsource some of their work to you. Later you can create your own website to attract business. This is a good part-time business because you can work any time of the day. It also makes for a good option for parents with young kids.
6. Trading in Collectibles
You can turn your hobby of collecting unique paintings, estate jewellery and antiques into a profitable business. You can exhibit your collectibles on weekend shows carrying them in a trailer behind your SUV. It is always advisable to go for business insurance to safeguard your valuables.
Part-time business ideas are not limited only to the ones discussed above. Home businesses come with advantages of flexible hours of work and extra income but, be prepared for challenges too.
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