As a business when dealing with confidential information there are legal rules and procedures which must be followed. On top of this you also have a responsibility and duty of care to your employees to ensure that you’re dealing with their confidential information in the best way and following best practise. Here’s how:
Follow the Law
Confidentiality is protected by government Organisation Policies, the Data Protection Act 1998 and Professional Codes of Conduct. As a result of this, not handling confidential information in the right way can be hugely damaging to your business and have a severe impact on its future. Certain types of data are required to be kept on file for a number of years by law, even after employees have left your organisation so always check the laws before discarding any information.
Health and Safety
A key department in your business that deals with a lot of confidential information is the Health and Safety team. Law dictates that companies must keep a record of any accidents or incidents which have happened at work for 3 years. This confidential information must be stored safely and out of reach of other employees in a locked cabinet or locked area. Making sure you record any accidents and abide by the law when it comes to confidential information means you’ll be protected as a business should an employee take legal action against your company as a result of an incident at work.
Most companies follow best practice when it comes to HR by ensuring their HR team have an in-depth understanding of looking after confidential information. Seating your HR team away from other employees so they don’t see any confidential information and ensuring that they have adequate storage and confidential waste bins is crucial.
Secure Shipping
Using a secure shipping service is essential for the transport of confidential information. A company like TNT offer a variety of different secure shipping services to businesses, so you’ll be sure to find the right one for you depending on your requirements. Business critical documents can be delivered same day if urgent, so this type of service is the best way to guarantee any important confidential information gets to its destination safely.
A lot of the best practice when it comes to looking after dealing with confidential information as a business is common sense. By following the law and taking all the appropriate steps to keep confidential information recorded safely and securely you’ll be able to protect your business from any potential legal issues.
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