How To Deal With Illness When You’ve Got A Hectic Schedule

It’s no secret that a lot of us lead incredibly hectic lives. If we’re not at work, we’re taking care of our families, leaving little time for ourselves. There’s nothing worse than getting sick when you’ve got a hectic schedule to keep up with. Especially, if that includes taking care of little ones or elderly relatives. You can take a day off work sick, but you can’t take a day off of being a parent, or carer for an elderly family member.

The truth is, if you’re sick and don’t take the time to look after yourself properly; you’ll only get worse. Despite having a busy schedule, there’s plenty of ways that you can look after yourself when you’re under the weather. To deal with illness when you’ve got a hectic schedule to keep up with, here’s what you need to do:


Ask to work from home

If you really can’t afford to take time off of work, the next best thing is working from home. Explain to your boss that you’re really not feeling well, but instead of taking the day off, you would like to work from home. As long as your role allows you to do this, your boss shouldn’t have a problem with you working from home.

Set yourself up in bed with your laptop and anything else that you need to work, a bottle of water, some medicine, and work from there. Take breaks and nap throughout the day – this will help to boost your energy levels and will also help you to heal as quickly as possible.

See a doctor

If you’re sick, it’s crucial that you see a doctor. While some illnesses – viruses, for example, can’t be treated with medicine, most things can. So if you’re feeling under the weather, it’s always best to see a doctor, so that if treatment is available, you can use it to get better more quickly.

If you don’t have time to attend a doctor’s appointment at your local surgery, consider getting a doctor’s appointment online. These are a great option when life is busy as you can arrange them for whenever is best for you and don’t need to leave your home or office to attend. All that you need to do is explain your symptoms to a doctor via web chat or Skype, and then they will diagnose you and give you a prescription if you need one.


Take a break

Life might be hectic, but if you’re sick, you need to take time out to rest and relax. This could be a couple of days off work or just the afternoon, it all depends on what you’re able to get off. If you’ve got kids to take care of, think about finding someone to watch them while you rest and get better. Could they maybe stay with their grandparents or aunt and uncle? If you want to heal as quickly as possible, you need time to rest and have a break, so make sure to make this a priority.

It can be hard to make time for yourself when life is hectic, but if you want to get back on your feet quickly, it’s important that you do.


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