As a millennial, I’ve been continually connected since I got my first phone when I was 14. When it comes to living off the grid, I think I would be completely miserable for the majority of the time- I’m just not meant to be disconnected.
Sure, the idea of ‘escaping it all’ sounds great in theory. You quit the rat race, buy a cottage somewhere gorgeous, grow your own food, and then…what? I truly don’t know what comes next. All I know is I would go crazy without wifi, and since I work online I would also be broke.
Sadly, I can’t go more than 5 minutes without checking my phone. Unless I’m already working online, and then I have Facebook up on my screen as well. I personally don’t know how people survive without Netflix, and I carry my laptop and kindle with me everywhere, so I can quickly and easily take a few minutes to catch up on some work over lunch or a coffee.
I also have friends all over the world that I regularly keep in touch with. Social media is the only way we can keep up to date on each other’s lives, and without it, I’m sure that we would completely lose contact.
As someone who lives overseas, I talk to my mum regularly on Facebook and Skype. Even though I haven’t been home for some time, it feels like I was just there- since I’m continually up to date with what’s going on.
While being connected is important, I also have to admit that I like all of the comforts of living in a city. I like expensive lattes and brunch with friends. I adore the fact that I don’t need a car and can instead grab public transport anywhere within the city, and I don’t know how I would survive if I couldn’t order dinner online or on the phone.
Sure, these things may sound like luxuries, but to me, they’re the kind of things that make life worth living. I love heading to Lush and stocking up on bath bombs and bubble bath before grabbing a glass of wine and some chocolate and spending an hour with a good book in the bath. This would be fine if you were off the grid as long as there was access to hot running water. Does that mean you’re officially on the grid? I don’t even know.
I suppose I could live off the grid if I could have my hot baths, I would just need to make sure I had my gas cylinders from Flogas.
One thing I do love about staying out in the country is the lack of noise. There’s just something nice about going to sleep without hearing any traffic, neighbours, or planes. I also love to go to sleep in total darkness, and this is a treat when I stay in the middle of nowhere since there are no street lights to shine in my eyes when I’m trying to sleep.
What would you miss?
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